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Statement by Dr. Arjun Karki at the Policy Dialogue Panel on Achieving the MDGs by 2015 PDF Print E-mail

LDC Watch Statement by Dr. Arjun Karki, International coordinator, at the Policy Dialogue Panel on Achieving the MDGs by 2015: An Agenda for Mor and Improved Development Cooperation, UN Development Cooperation Forum

UN Headquarters, New York, 30 June 2010

Madame Moderator, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I thank you very much for the opportunity to share my thoughts in this very important panel discussion on behalf of LDC Watch in this policy dialogue on achieving the MDGs by 2015. LDC Watch believes that while reviewing the progress made on the Millennium Declaration at the High Level Plenary in September 2010, progress and setbacks made on the MDGs in the LDCs need to be assessed separately. This is because while the situation in other developing countries may be improving, conditions in LDCs are likely to deteriorate in this decade. Further, we need to break down national data by specific populations - to look at the progress of marginalised groups and not just overall progress. We also need to find ways to measure progress in Human Rights and Gender Justice to accompany the social and economic progress reflected in the MDGs.

Statement by Dr. Arjun Karki at the Side Event on Enhancing ODA for LDCs' Development and Transformation, Development Cooperation Forum PDF Print E-mail

Statement by Dr. Arjun Karki, International Coordinator, at the Side Event on Enhancing ODA for LDCs' Development and 
Transformation, Development Cooperation Forum, UN Headquaters, New York, 30 June 2010

Mr Chairman, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank the organisers for giving me the opportunity to speak on behalf of LDC Watch. As you are aware, LDC Watch has been leading the mobilisation and consolidation of LDC civil society inputs towards its interventions at the Fourth UN Conference on LDCs (LDC IV) in 2011, aiming to produce a pro-poor next-generation LDC development agenda together with all stakeholders in this process.

Statement by Dr. Arjun Karki at UN General Assembly Information Session in Preparation for the 2010 MDG Su PDF Print E-mail

UN Headquaters, New York, 13 APRIL 2010

Mr Co- chairs, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank the organisers for giving me the opportunity to speak on behalf of LDC Watch, at this Informal Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in preparation for the 2010 MDG Summit. Today, I have been asked to speak about LDC’s perspectives on MDGs with special focus on MDG 8 and Aid Effectiveness.

LDC Watch is a global alliance of national, regional and international civil society organizations, networks and movements based in the 49 LDCs  and supported by civil society from development partner countries. Having evolved out of the parallel NGO Forum during the Third UN LDC Conference (LDC III) in Brussels in 2001, it advocates and campaigns for the effective implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for LDCs for the Decade 2001-2010 which contains 30 international development goals including those in the Millennium Declaration. However, we go beyond the Brussels Programme in addressing poverty, hunger, social injustices and human rights in the LDCs. With the Brussels Programme timeline coming to an end this year, LDC Watch is now engaging with its official review process that culminates at the Fourth UN Conference on LDCs (LDC IV) in 2011 in Turkey. The Office of the High Representative for LDCs has entrusted LDC Watch to lead and coordinate the civil society process towards the LDC IV.

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